Welcome to this beautiful feminine challenge! In this program, you’ll learn by doing 1 daily practice a day for 15 days straight.
As I welcome you to this gorgeous challenge, it is with an aim to help you shift your patterns towards truly loving yourself just as you are as a woman, with all of your flaws.
Committing to this 15-Day challenge is a commitment to yourself, to your happiness, and to your fulfillment. This impacts your self-worth and your ability to go after all that you desire in life.
Ready to get started?
[This program is for women only]
This program includes the following lessons:
Lesson | Description |
Welcome | Chen welcomes you to this beautiful challenge and explains its importance and how to do it. |
15 daily practices | Each day do one practice, hit complete, and another one will become available for 15 days straight. |
Closing | Chen closes this beautiful challenge and has a little surprise for you at the end. |
Be sure to Advance through andĀ hit completeĀ for each lesson.