Now are are going to talk about the energy of Vata, that which moves.
I wish to approach this understanding of the Doshas from a non traditional way, while keeping the traditional in hand as well.
Vata is the main origin of imbalance in humans. In other words, an excessive agitation and excessive movement in both the mind and the body. Flying in an airplane or driving a car and also thinking are all ways in which we are creating action, or doing things or creating movement. All these are forms of movement, let’s say.
Remember the Laws: same increases same and opposites balance. Modern life has a vata imbalance. Excessive movement in all levels, to the point that the person is completely disconnected from her or himself. (This would be an extreme)
If there is a mission with the Self Healing Journey Program and I would even say in life is to learn to observe this agitation and become fully aware of it. The idea is to not become the agitation itself or get caught up in it.
If only this is achieved, then we can consider this program as completely successful for you and in fact if this is the only thing you achieve in life, you could also consider your life successful, as this is the main reason why we are alive.
Vata energy is the king dosha, we had mentioned that Dosha means that which is constantly changing. So let’s say, that our energy (we are made of Energy) is changing constantly and Dosha is a way of describing this energy which is changing constantly and that is moving all over our body within the tissues and the connection channels. Why is it the king dosha, because the other two doshas cannot move themselves by themselves, they need this moving energy to unfold. Also Vata carries the divine intelligence, all the way to the DNA, to the very nucleus of the cell, and to the most secret, mysterious location of our own existence, that’s where Vata energy connects with.
Life is constantly changing, moving, arising and passing away, impermanent in nature completely. The only place in which it never changes is in its essence. Why is this essence concept important, because connecting back there is how all possible imbalances come back to balance. Let’s go step by step. And I say connecting and actually it is becoming aware of it, we are always connected, in fact we are that which we wish to connect to.
What we need to do is become aware of it, and in fact it is like IT is becoming aware of ITSELF, DOES IT MAKE SENSE TO YOU? YOU CANNOT THINK ABOUT IT, just breath and let’s continue.
Vata energy is made of the wind and space elements. So it has the following characteristics or Qualities: Light, Dry, Cool, Rough, Subtle, Mobile. So, let’s revise. Lightness, like a salad. Dry like a cracker, cool, like a salad again, rough like green vegetables, subtle like a thought and mobile like excessive thinking or browsing social media. Or changing plans constantly. You get the idea.
And Again, same increases same and opposites balance.
A person with a higher percentage of the elements of air and space would be with a person with a higher percentage of vata energy in them. And also remember that Same Likes the Same, this means that if someone is by nature quick in the move, they will have a tendency to imbalance exactly in this same quality, in other words, they could get agitated quicker. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
The air moves with irregularity within the space, doesn’t it. Then such qualities could be seeing in this type of person. the air moves also quicker, so this means that the energy moves quicker in this person and doesn’t stick, as oppose to someone with more earth or water element in them. Can you see this?
So what would you say a person with a higher percentage of vata would look like?
They would have a thinner frame, because of the same reason, the energy moves quicker. They would be either tall or short, they would have a tendency to accumulate weight in the belly, like a little backpack. Hehehe. This is important because I wish you to see yourself.
This type of person would also have a tendency to speak and move faster, to be quick in the thought and the answer, someone with a great humor. They could show imbalances such as irregular appetite and digestive fire. Constipation, insomnia, overthinking, worry, too much the mind in the future, dry skin, dry hair, brittle nails, nervousness, noisy digestion, too much burping and belching.
Please, please. Avoid at all costs self-judgment or criticism or thinking this is best or this is worst. Just see how the energies of Divinity manifested as a human being. This is the value of this information. Let’s remember that every person, living organism, and natural element in this planet is made of the 5 elements. So a rock will have space, air, fire, water and earth and so does a human being or a tree or an animal, or a plant.
Continuing with Vata. The times of the day where this energy is more predominant are from 2-6 am. And pm. What does it mean? That at these times we are more connected, all of us humans with the subtler energies of the universe. So in the early morning we could dream more, and this is why in ALL traditions it is said that from around 4-6 a.m. or before sun rise is great time for spiritual work or practices. And in the afternoon, it is a great time for writing, for conversing, for meetings.
If a person has a very strong vata imbalance, most probably at that time in the afternoon they will be passing out or very tired, this happens because they are imbalanced and they cannot hold the energy. Otherwise they would have great clarity. If this is your case. Go to week #7 and learn the Yoga Nidra exercise and practice it in the afternoon every day. It will change your life.
The vata age in a human being is the old age. It could accelerate for some humans that have lived life very fast and agitated. So sometimes some people age quicker or woman have their menopause also at a very early age sometimes in the mid thirties in an extreme case.
NO matter where you are at, it is not important whatsoever. That is what is, from now on is a different thing. We take what we have, who we are, what we have experienced, what we have lived, and where we are at and work with that. Do we have another option?
Deep acceptance of what is, brings all possible peace at all levels. And in deep acceptance Vata calms down completely. Thinking stops.
This is the very first rule in order to calm Vata. Calm down. Let it all be. Let things be just as they are, no matter what it is… otherwise thought will arise with crazy strength to the point that it will overtake your mind and your connection to that essence that you are.
A vata person will also have a tendency to have great humor and great creativity. Since the wind is irregular, they could be a bit messy or have a tendency to be irregular in their eating habits. In fact it would be harder for them to be more habitual.
What does this mean from the perspective of same increases same and opposites balances then? That habit and structure is highly beneficial for Vata people. Structure is what balances a person with a Vata Imbalance.
Second important instruction here. Find habits and structure. So the synchronization with the sun is something that can really help. For people of Vata Nature, they can benefit sleeping to around 6:30 a.m. and going to bed around 10 p.m. for sure.
Vata energy also at the same time is the one that gets most imbalanced with a higher percentage of imbalances around 60%, whereas Pitta causes around 30% and Kapha around 10%.
Please remember also that imbalances are mental and physical both together. We could also say emotional, but the emotions and the mind are very related or the same thing.
Some of the imbalances in Vata are constipation, excessive flatulence, excessive belching. Dryness in the skin, hair, brittled nails and hair. Excessive talking, excessive blinking. Excessive thinking, hyperactivity at the cost of the vital fluids. Stress, agitation of the nervous system. Insomnia, debility, confusion, fear, anxiety, a disconnection within the mind and Prana or the life force. Complete identification with Thought and with the External Life.
In other words, this person is basically disconnected from their essence and fully distracted by the senses and the mind. Not present. Normally very much in the Future.
Vata is the energy also behind pain in the body and fear in the mind, aaagggiiitation.
A balanced person with a Vata nature is amazing, think about this please: every human being regardless of who they are or how they look, if they are balanced and in their power, they are an amazing representation of the Divine qualities they brought out from Nature. This is what the Self Healing Journey Program is about.
So going back to the balanced vata person, they would have a great sense of humor, in fact Vata creates profound enjoinment in life, and understanding of the real source of creativity, as well as connectedness to spirit and to intuitions. They would be thinner in their frame, with a stable digestion (that they would have to pay attention to), and they would flourish in a nice Job in which their qualities of creativity and good communication would be highly appreciated. (Not as an accountant sitting in a cubicle all day long)
In other words for vata energy we need to be Calming the excessive noise and agitation which starts from the beginning not from the end like everything else the first thing that is needed is to become aware that there is excessive movement, that is the beginning, once you become aware then you are on the right path if you do not become aware then you will always stay there in the excessive noise. Or agitated vata.
Let me explain this in other words. a person with a vata imbalance wishes to create a successful change internally, so they change some habits here and there, but the imbalance keeps happening and manifesting in all life of this person. The beginning of this imbalance is the agitation and the excessive movement. Once the person becomes aware of it, understanding will arise and everything will start falling into place and the teachings will be absorbed.
Let’s see a few possible habits, for example, when you wake up in the morning is the first thing you do is grab your phone? When you wake up, notice how quickly the thoughts arise within you.
is it possible for you to be still and silent for a while without having a screen or without having to do something?
Balancing Vata:
* First digestion, eating when you are hungry and having a schedule and Structure is very much needed. The digestive fire of vata people varies, it changes, why because they are changing and moving a lot. They need to eat at the same times everyday.
* Abhyanga self massage, very good for vata people, it calms them and particularly if you apply the oil to the crown chakra, the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
* Slow yoga, with deep breathing.
* Regular meditation.
* Food needs to be soupier, with more oil (like ghee and olive oil). Use spices.
* Avoid at all costs junk food and leftovers. Your food requires good Prana.
* Becoming aware of the the present moment.
* Becoming aware of excessive thinking.
* If you are a passenger in a car or in a bus or in an airplane is it possible for you to just be still and not require external stimulation particularly in a car or a bus
* Requiring stimulation is not an issue what we are trying to do is to identify how much external noise is needed in order to calm down your internal noise
* How much patience do you have?
* How much do you worry?
* Have you noticed if your story is the same today than yesterday did you know that your story or your thoughts are similar to the ones yesterday and the day before and the day before have you become aware of that?
* Are you constantly searching for external stimulation a phone call social media emails constantly active on the external constantly active on this the external is it possible for you to relax and be still
* All We Are doing is Becoming Aware. Understanding the naturalness of our humanity.
* Go to natural Park, sit down and just observe and do nothing else, just breathe.
* Sleep well.
* Practice Yoga Nidra.
* These are the qualities of Vata: Vata Qualities: Light, Dry, Cool, Rough, Subtle, Mobile. If you favor these qualities in your life, Vata will increase. Once again, become aware of the agitation and the excessive movement, but how??? If all I know is this agitation, then sit in meditation, practice some very slow yoga and make an effort to slow down and favor that over anything else.
Understanding Vata Energy is quite essential to a human being.
Ayurveda is the Science of Life and the Science of Self Healing, as it has been called also.
Vata energy is made of the Air and the Space Elements or that component of the Life Force that is called Marut which means the Divine Intelligence, I like to call it the Mystery.
Vata Dosha is the King of the Doshas, why? Because it is from this mystery that everything else arises. The element of air moving in the space represents exactly what Vata Dosha is about: “ That which moves “.
The coolest thing with Ayurveda is that it shows us what Vata is about in our physical and mental bodies, while at the same time it shows us how to keep it under balance. In other words, and think about this: Ayurveda’s wisdom helps us balance the way in which the unknown mysterious energy of the Divine Intelligence operates in us.
Now, also think about this: if this energy gets imbalanced what do you think would happen? It is said in Ayurveda that 60% of imbalances arise from Vata getting out of wack, comparing with the other two doshas, Pitta 30%, and Kapha 10%, there is obviously relative importance in maintaining Vata under control.
Here is another fact: all humanity mostly has a deep imbalance in Vata energy and let’s start studying the reasons for these imbalances. The Self Healing Journey Program is going to focus on helping you get your Vata Energy balanced. Let’s make this the main aspect of your work.
You might think then the other two doshas will not be attended, but they will and you will notice as we continue with the work.
What imbalances Vata?:
What is it to understand? I would say that the following imbalances need to be calmed down:
In a nutshell, NOT being PRESENT. Please recognize those aspects in you and make a decision to change them. Start by becoming aware of the imbalance of excessive agitation. Then slowly make a decision of calming down, by changing several things or incorporating several things into your life such as:
It is time to change the belief systems, you are doing amazing. Enjoy life much. It is all happening, change is happening.
The main idea with Vata is that you become aware of yourself. In other words, we are talking about creating PRESENCE.
Many blessings,
Leo Cordero
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