Presenting Chen Lizra

15 Day Sabrosura & Self-Love Challenge

Welcome to this beautiful feminine challenge! In this program, you’ll learn by doing 1 daily practice a day for 15 days straight.

As I welcome you to this gorgeous challenge, it is with an aim to help you shift your patterns towards truly loving yourself just as you are as a woman, with all of your flaws.

Committing to this 15-Day challenge is a commitment to yourself, to your happiness, and to your fulfillment. This impacts your self-worth and your ability to go after all that you desire in life.

Ready to get started?

[This program is for women only]


This program includes the following lessons:

Lesson Description
Welcome Chen welcomes you to this beautiful challenge and explains its importance and how to do it.
15 daily practices Each day do one practice, hit complete, and another one will become available for 15 days straight.
Closing Chen closes this beautiful challenge and has a little surprise for you at the end.

Be sure to Advance through andĀ hit completeĀ for each lesson.

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